Trace Network Labs has been assisting fashion and lifestyle brands accelerate the adoption of Metaverse to ramp up their scale and incorporate innovation, be in sync with rapidly evolving tech and offer a futuristic platform for enabling lifestyle for Metaverse.

The firm has furthered Metaverse practical use cases through an array of products such as virtual avatar personalization simulator ‘BUDDY’, Lifestyle NFT Marketplace ‘BLING’ and OS for Metaverse & DeFi ‘eMETA’ among others. 

Trace is working with leading Indian & International fashion brands, manufacturers, sourcing cos, and retailers, enabling their digital fashion experience, in the following ways:

Experiential Stores

  • Retail Businesses
  • Brands

Experiential Collaboration

  • Retail Businesses/Brands

  • Buying Houses/Sourcing Companies

  • Manufacturers

Experiential Explorations

  • Manufacturers

  • Services (Dying, Printing, Fabric mills etc.)

Trace Labs is an early mover in a highly nascent space of Web 3.0. The emerging space is tipped to be a more user centric experience through its decentralized protocol.

Technopak Advisors & Trace Network Labs entered in a partnership in 2022 as Web 3.0 was being adopted across the board. The tie up was aimed at crafting the future of immersive brand experiences through Metaverse capabilities. The strategic alliance is now helping firms by enabling curated tools like: 


The digital human civilization is being enabled by Trace Buddies. Trace BUDDY Avatar NFTs are Web 3.0 Native , real human like Avatars usable in different Metaverses on multiple chains.


Trace is bringing a complete suite for enterprises to launch metaverse experiences related to business like internal/external gated collaboration, shopping etc.


Shopping experience in Metaverse has promising future for both digital and phygital products. Experience Shopping stores will be available with integrated payment components for commercial transactions.

Web3.0 Powered

Trace Metaverse experiences are powered with NFTs and blockchain. Blockchain bringing the Provenance for Product Genesis /Ownership Transfers , Ownership of Experiences on multiple chains.

The synergy has been conducive for brands as it integrates the best of capabilities and capacities in Metaverse with retail, apparel and fashion business expertise.

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