Transforming Factory Operations with Technopak consultancy powered by CGS Tools

CGS partnered with Technopak, India’s premier advisory firm for apparel operations, to elevate factory performance in the apparel sector. The collaboration combines Technopak’s consulting expertise with CGS’s robust end-to-end supply chain platform, BlueCherry®.


Real-Time Visibility & Control

Unparalleled oversight with BlueCherry Shop Floor Control. Users can track orders, balance production lines, and monitor performance in real-time. Additionally, they can also ensure quality and maintain machines with ease.

Global Impact

Network of 3,500 customers across 40 countries revolutionizing their factory operations.

Features & Benefits

  • Industry 4.0 Production Management: Latest in cloud, wireless, and analytics technologies.
  • Productivity & Efficiency: Identify and manage non-productive events, eliminate manual processes, and boost overall productivity.
  • Advanced Analytics & Reporting: Insights with BlueCherry Business Intelligence tools integrated into your operations.
  • Agile Manufacturing: Respond quickly to manufacturing status or trends with real-time information.
  • Cost Reduction: Optimize operations and reduce off-standard time by 90%.


Empowered by Technopak’s Expertise: With Technopak’s consulting prowess and CGS’s robust BlueCherry platform, factories are achieving operational continuity, resilience, and increased performance.

Sustainability & Compliance: Meet transparency, sustainability, and compliance requirements with a system designed for the modern manufacturing landscape.

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